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parallel bars

This site provides you with the information about parallel bars, parallel bars rules, skills, tips, guide, training lessons, how to learn, parallel bars fast, how to teach parallel bars, parallel bars history, parallel bars news, parallel bars stars, betting, club, parallel bars coach, and more.

Two parallel bars form an artistic gymnastics apparatus only used by male gymnasts. The bars are supported by a metal or steel frame. The bars are made of wood or plastic or composite material. Routines consist of a wide variety of different skills through which the gymnast must meet specific requirements. A typical performance on parallel bars will involve swinging skills in a support position (on the hands), a hanging position, and an upper arm position; by manipulating each of these swings, a gymnast is capable of performing a variety of flips and turns. Additionally, parallel bar routines sometimes feature a strength or static hold skill. Finally, each routine ends with an impressive dismount which can be performed off the ends of the bars or off the side of the apparatus. A common, simple dismount is a back off where a gymnast begins by swinging forward in a front support between the bars and executes a backflip that travels laterally over one of the bars to a stand next to the apparatus.

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