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This site provides you with the information about canoeing, canoeing rules, skills, tips, guide, training lessons, how to learn, canoeing fast, how to teach canoeing, canoeing history, canoeing news, canoeing stars, betting, club,. canoeing coach, and more.

A canoeing is a small narrow boat, typically human-powered, though it may also be powered by sails or small electric or gas motors. canoeings usually are pointed at both bow and stern and are normally open on top, but can be covered.

In its human-powered form, the canoeing is ordinarily propelled by the use of paddles, with the number of paddlers (most commonly two) dependent on the size of the canoeing. Paddlers face in the direction of travel, either seated on supports in the hull, or kneeling directly upon the hull. Paddling can be contrasted with rowing, where the rowers usually face away from the direction of travel and use mounted oars (though a wide canoeing can be fitted with oarlocks and rowed). Paddles may be single-bladed or double-bladed.

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